of Neutron Physics

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2023-04-26 11:25:10

Successful defense by Lychagin Egor Valerievich!

The Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics congratulates the FLNP Director Lychagin Egor Valerievich on the successful defense of his Sc.D. in the dissertation council on condensed matter physics (at FLNP).
We wish him further success and scientific achievements!

2023-04-26 06:51:52

JINR staff member Marina Frontasyeva is in the top ten best scientists in the Russian Federation

The Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics congratulates Marina Vladimirovna and wishes her many more achievements, discoveries and accomplishments!

2023-04-14 12:18:38

Summer scientific schools for students and young scientists at the National Center for Physics and Mathematics (NCFM), from July 3 to August 25 in Sarov (Nizhny Novgorod region)

The National Center for Physics and Mathematics (NCFM) has opened registration for summer scientific schools for students and young scientists.

2023-04-13 12:12:25

"Application of Nuclear Physics Methods for the Study of Cultural Heritage Objects", September 12-14, 2023, RUz, Tashkent

We invite you to take part in the Third International Workshop "Application of Nuclear Physics Methods for the Study of Cultural Heritage Objects".

2023-03-24 11:59:44

RNIKS-2023, on 25-28 September, 2023 in Yekaterinburg

We invite you to take part in the Conference “Neutron Scattering in Condensed Matter Research” (RNIKS-2023) that will be held on 25-28 September, 2023 in Yekaterinburg.

2023-03-16 12:06:53

CMP-2023, from 29 May to 3 June, 2023 in Chernogolovka on the base of ISSP RAS

We invite you to take part in the Third International Conference “Condensed Matter Physics” (CMP-2023), dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Federal Government Budgetary Scientific Institution of Osipyan Institute of Solid State Physics RAS (ISSP RAS)

2023-03-02 11:53:41

Anniversary of Bokuchava G.D.

FLNP Directorate and colleagues heartily congratulate Gizo Bokuchava on his jubilee and wish him sound health, much happiness and many brightest colors in life, every labor and creative success and new achievements.

2023-02-17 11:51:28

Congratulations to Egor Valerievich Lychagin on his election as FLNP Director!

The FLNP Directorate and staff congratulate you on your election as FLNP Director!

2023-02-14 11:37:18

133rd session of the JINR Scientific Council, 16-17 February, 2023, in the International Conference Centre and remotely

JINR Directorate invites you to take part in the 133rd session of the JINR Scientific Council that will be held in hybrid format on 16-17 February, 2023, in the International Conference Centre with the possibility to connect on the Zoom platform. The session starts at 11:00 AM Moscow time. The preliminary programme of the session is available at the webpage

2023-01-24 11:31:47

Winners of the JINR Prize Competition for Young Scientists and Specialists for 2022

"Experimental Physics Research" 1st Prize Winner V. D. Zhaketov

"Applied Physics Research" 2nd Prize Winner M. Erdauletov

2023-01-24 11:21:22

Anniversary of Kirillov A.K.

Directorate and staff of the Laboratory heartily congratulate Andrey Kirillov on his jubilee and wish him good health, harmony and joy in all things, strength to resist difficulties and patience, realization of the most daring ideas and every success in future endeavours.

2023-01-12 12:04:34

A competition of research and methodological papers for the FLNP Prize for 2023

To participate in the competition, one needs to send the published papers before 10:00 AM, 25 January, 2023. Research papers published or accepted for publication before 31 December, 2022 should be submitted.