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SEDNRCM STC, 18.02.2021

Тип события: SEDNRCM STC
Тип события (для фильтра): Лабораторные НТС


02-18-2021 10:00 Online


Discussion of proposals for the nomination of scientific papers for the FLNP competition for 2020 under the section "Competition of scientific papers in condensed matter physics"

  • Series of works "Complex formation and biological activity of fullerenes in solutions"

Authors from FLNP JINR: Avdeev Mikhail Vasilievich, Aksenov Victor Lazarevich, Chudoba Dorota, Nagornaya Tetiana Valerievna, Tropin Timur Vasilievich, Ivankov Olexander Igorevich, Kuzmenko Marina Olegovna

Third-party authors: Kizima Elena Anatolyevna, Bulavin Leonid Anatolyevich

  • Neutron scattering in studies of functional alloys based on iron (Fe-Ga, Fe-Al, etc.)

Authors from FLNP JINR: Anatoly Mikhailovich Balagurov

Third party authors: Igor Stanislavovich Golovin

  • Series of works "Investigation of the effect of high pressure on the crystal and magnetic structure of topologically frustrated complex cobalt oxides"

Authors from FLNP JINR: Kozlenko Denis Petrovich, Golosova Natalya Olegovna, Kichanov Sergey Evgenievich, Lukin Evgeniy Valerievich, Rutkauskas Anton Vladimirovich, Savenko Boris Nikolaevich

  • On the origin of the abnormal behavior of the properties of lipid membranes in the immediate vicinity of the chain melting phase transition

Authors from FLNP JINR: Alexander Ivanovich Kuklin, Valentin Ivanovich Gordely

  • Can the shapes of the isothermal calorimetric curves indicate structural changes in micellar aggregates?

Authors from FLNP JINR: Katarzyna Ludzik, Andrey Rogachev, Alexander Ivanovich Kuklin

Third Party Contributors: Sebastian Woloszczuk, Monika Jazdzewska, Anna Zawisza, Malgorzata Yuzhwiak

  • Revealing the Structure of Composite Aqueous Nanodiamond–Graphene Oxide Dispersions by Small-Angle Scattering

Authors from FLNP JINR: Tomchuk Alexander Vasilievich, Avdeev Mikhail Vasilievich, Ivankov Alexander Igorevich, Solovyov Dmitry Vladimirovich, Kuklin Alexander Ivanovich, Aksenov Viktor Lazarevich

Third-party authors: Dideykin Artur Torievich, Vul Alexander Yakovlevich, Aleksensky Alexander Evgrafovich, Kirilenko Demid Alexandrovich, Garamus Vasily Mikhailovich, Kulvelis Yuri Viktorovich, Bulavin Leonid Anatolyevich

  • Series of works "Structural studies of proteins and nanomaterials using small-angle neutron scattering, X-rays and complementary methods"

Authors from FLNP JINR: Erkhan Raul Viktor, Bodnarchuk Viktor Ivanovich, Kuklin Alexander Ivanovich

Third Party Contributors: Angel Lilia, Rada Simona

Annotations to the work cycles and the works themselves can be found in advance at the link: 

Regulations on the FLNP Prize as amended in 2019 and criteria for evaluating works in the competition 2.2. "Research work on the physics of condensed matter" are attached.

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