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"Proposals for the scientific program of the new source NEPTUN in the section “Nuclear physics and fundamental properties of the neutron”" Fedorov N.A.

Тип события: Meeting of Working Group on Scientific Program of FLNP New Neutron Source
Тип события (для фильтра): Лабораторные семинары

Meeting of Working Group on Scientific Program of FLNP New Neutron Source

12-15-2022 11:00 FLNP Conference Hall (3rd floor)

The report will present proposals for the scientific program of the new source NEPTUN in the section “Nuclear physics and properties of the neutron”: a review of possible areas of research on neutron-nuclear interactions, fission physics and fundamental properties of the neutron. Possible topics of applied research related to the use of neutron-nuclear reactions will also be considered. An assessment will be made of the feasibility and prospects of conducting certain experiments based on the available information about the reactor parameters and the current state of research in the areas under consideration.