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"Methodology and software infrastructure for organizing globally distributed data processing of the COMPASS experiment" Artem Petrosyan

Тип события: LIT Seminar
Тип события (для фильтра): Общеинститутские семинары

LIT Seminar

01-15-2021 11:00 LIT Conference Hall and online

(based on Ph.D. thesis)

The report presents the results of the work carried out by the author on organizing the processing of data from the COMPASS experiment using the experience of experiments at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN. The author proposes a methodology for organizing distributed data processing based on software infrastructure components created by experiments at the LHC.

Based on the proposed methodology, a software package was implemented that takes into account the features of collecting, accounting, storing and processing data and provides control over the processing of data from the COMPASS experiment on various types of computing resources. Since 2017, the software package has been the main platform for processing data from the COMPASS experiment. The distributed computing tools used in the development of the software package made it possible to use as computing resources not only the Grid sites of the institutions participating in the collaboration, but also high-performance computing systems, such as Blue Waters and Frontera supercomputers.

Information about the seminar and a link to connect via Webex are posted in Indico: