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"Method for programming calculations in a hybrid cloud by the example of pairwise processing of data array elements" Bobyleva Irina (Samara National Research University)

Тип события: LIT Seminar
Тип события (для фильтра): Общеинститутские семинары

LIT Seminar

07-21-2021 15:00 LIT conference-hall and online

The report discusses the problem of the efficient use of a hybrid cloud in the context of a method for developing algorithms in a form that is convenient for execution on an arbitrary set of computing resources. The method is based on the joint application of Cole’s algorithmic skeletons and a variant of Hewitt’s actor model to describe many-task computing. The proposed method is investigated by the example of algorithms for pairwise processing of data arrays according to the principle of a round-robin tournament. Computational experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of software implementations of these algorithms on various types of modern computer architectures that represent hybrid cloud resources.


More information on the seminar and the link to connect via Webex are available at Indico.