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Meeting of the Dissertation Council on Condensed Matter Physics at FLNP JINR, 20.12.2021

Тип события: Defense of the the Ph.D. thesis
Тип события (для фильтра): Лабораторные конференции, сессии, защиты диссертаций

Defense of the the Ph.D. thesis

12-20-2021 15:00 Conference hall


1. Defense of the the Ph.D. thesis by Eremenko M.V. (Skoltech) "Atomic local order on the nanometer scale in ferroelectric relaxors".
2. Defense of the Ph.D. thesis by Matveev V.A. (PNPI NRC KI). “Study of promising Ti/TiO2 bilayer structures in polarizing neutron optics”

On-line translation
Meeting number: 2407 039 4377
Password: Ampq3PFEG38