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"Kinetics of irreversible processes in partially ordered structures" Tropin T.V.

Тип события: SEDNRCM STC
Тип события (для фильтра): Лабораторные НТС


04-07-2021 15:00 Online


1. Kinetics of irreversible processes in partially disordered structures. T.V. Tropin (based on doctoral dissertation materials. Specialty 01.04.07 - Condensed Matter Physics)

The results of studies and descriptions of two characteristic processes relevant to modern condensed matter physics are presented: vitrification and aggregation of nanoparticles. Experimental studies of solutions of fullerenes of different polarity were carried out using a set of complementary methods. This made it possible to study both the structure of the formed clusters and the kinetics of their growth, as well as a number of other phenomena. A theoretical description of kinetic processes in fullerene solutions is presented. Next, we discuss the description of the glass transition kinetics of polystyrene in a wide range of cooling and heating rates q. A general theoretical study of the glass transition of a model system over a wide range of velocities q has been carried out, and the dependences of the main characteristics of this process on the rate of change in temperature and pressure have been studied.

Finally, the glass transition and features of the structural organization of nanoparticles in thin films of fullerene-polystyrene polymer nanocomposites were studied by reflectometry.

(Based on the materials of a doctoral dissertation. Specialty 01.04.07 - Condensed Matter Physics).

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