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"Hydrated nanopowder systems - a functional environment for devices of adsorption energy and advanced electronics" Doroshkevich A.S.

Тип события: Thematic seminar on supraatomic structures
Тип события (для фильтра): Лабораторные семинары

Thematic seminar on supraatomic structures

06-17-2022 11:00 Conference hall, building 42a FLNP

The report will review the main results of applied research in the field of powder nanotechnologies carried out by FLNP within the framework of international projects under the Horizon 2020 program, and consider the fundamental principles of nanopowder adsorption energy, electronics and sensors. ZrO2-based nanopowder systems have a unique set of physical and physicochemical properties, in particular, electrical continuity and the ability to implement interfacial electronic exchange, which makes it possible to develop advanced electronics and energy devices based on them that operate using new physical principles. The report will consider the principle of operation of a nanoionic capacitor, an adsorption hydroelectric converter and a semiconductor junction based on nanopowders of the ZrO2 - Y2O3 system and the prospects for further development of this direction.