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"Formation of Crystallographic Textures at High Pressures" Vasin R.A.

Тип события: Thematic seminar on the structure and dynamics of crystals
Тип события (для фильтра): Лабораторные семинары

Thematic seminar on the structure and dynamics of crystals

05-31-2023 11:00 SED NRCM conference hall, building 42a FLNP

The report discusses the study of crystallographic textures - the preferred orientations of grains that make up a polycrystal - at high pressures using the method of synchrotron radiation diffraction using a diamond anvil cell in radial geometry (rDAC). The features of texture formation during plastic deformations, structural phase transitions with a choice of options, as well as the resulting restrictions on the yield strength of materials are considered using the example of some alloys (Fe-Si, Ni3Al), a cement component, etc.

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