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"Digitalizers "DSR" (Digital Signal Recorder) and their application for nuclear physics research" Yu.N. Kopach, S.V. Alpatov

Тип события: DNP Seminar
Тип события (для фильтра): Лабораторные семинары

DNP Seminar

02-10-2021 11:00 Online

A “waveform digitizer” is an electronic data acquisition device that digitizes analog signals using fast analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) at a specified clock rate and stores the resulting digitized data to disk or memory for further processing.

The use of digitizers in modern experiments as the main component of the data acquisition system in many cases allows you to get a significant gain in compactness and price, and also provides more opportunities for more complete data analysis.

The report discusses the characteristics and features of the TsRS-2, TsRS-32, TsRS-8/16 and TsRS-128 digitizers with a high-speed USB3 interface developed at FLNP JINR.

The presentation of the report is available at the link

Registration for the online seminar of the NUF is available at the link