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"Biomonitoring studies on the territory of the Moscow region" K.N. Vergel

Тип события: DNP Seminar
Тип события (для фильтра): Лабораторные семинары

DNP Seminar

03-17-2021 11:00 Online

The report presents the results of biomonitoring of atmospheric precipitation of heavy metals in the Moscow region, carried out within the framework of the UNECE ICP Vegetation program. This study is already the third one in the Moscow region, which makes it possible to assess temporal and spatial changes in the content of heavy metals in mosses. The application of graphical and statistical methods of analysis to the obtained results made it possible to identify the anthropogenic and plant components, as well as the component of the earth's crust as sources of accumulation of chemical elements in mosses. In addition, the main sources of elements entering the air were identified. For the study area, indicators were calculated to assess the level of pollution of the study area. Visualization of the distribution of elements in the study area became possible due to the use of modern GIS technologies.

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