of Neutron Physics

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Applied Research and Engineering Sciences

Investigation of internal stresses in structural materials and manufactured goods using neutron diffraction Read more>>

G.D. Bokuchava

I.V. Papushkin, A.A. Kruglov


Investigation of features of internal structure of cultural and natural heritage objects, structural materials and industrial products Read more>>

D.P. Kozlenko

FLNP: S.E. Kichanov, B.N. Savenko, E.V. Lukin, K.M. Nazarov, I.Yu. Zel, B.A. Bakirov, M. Kenessarin, A. Zhomartova, V.S. Smirnova


Investigation of crystallographic texture in structural materials, biological objects and rocks Read more>>

D.I. Nikolaev

T.A. Lychagina, A. V. Pakhnevich, R. N. Vasin, T. I. Ivankina, V. V. Sikolenko, B. Altangerel


Investigation of radiation damage effects in solid state materials Read more>>

S.I. Tyutyunnikov

VBLHEP: V.N. Shalyapin, V.V. Efimov, Yu.S. Kovalev, V.A. Artyukh, M.N. Novikov