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Тип события: Partner organization conferences
Тип события (для фильтра): Конференции организаций-партнеров

Partner organization conferences

10-12-2021 Online

On October 12, the VIII Congress on Radiation Research begins its work. The organizers of the event are the Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences for Radiobiology, the Russian Radiobiological Society of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the State Research Center “Federal Medical Biophysical Center named after A.I. Burnazyan” and the Laboratory of Radiation Biology, JINR.

The congress is a traditional event of the Russian Radiobiological Society. It is planned to hold 14 sectional online meetings, in which more than 300 specialists from leading institutions of Russia, Belarus and Azerbaijan will take part.
Radiation science is a complex field of research covering many scientific fields such as biology, chemistry, physics and medicine related to radiation, each of which has advanced significantly in recent years. The main topics of the VIII Congress are related to the development of topical problems of radiobiology, radioecology and radiation safety. At the plenary sessions and sections of the congress, new results of fundamental research, practical recommendations and prospects for the development of research in all areas of radiation research will be discussed:

• Molecular, genetic, cellular mechanisms of action of large and small doses of radiation on living organisms.
• Medico-biological aspects of the action of radiation, radiobiology of tumors, radiation carcinogenesis. Radiation diagnosis and therapy of tumors.
• New ways and means of radiation protection and mitigation of post-radiation effects of radiation exposure.
• Mechanisms of action of accelerated heavy ions and space radiobiology.
• Radiobiology of non-ionizing radiation and electromagnetic safety.
• Problems of radioecology. The combined effect of radiation and other environmental factors.
• Problems of radiation safety and regulation, radiation biomarkers, issues of radiation physics and dosimetry.
• Training of personnel in radiobiology and radioecology.

We invite everyone who is interested in the above scientific areas, employees of scientific institutes and centers, university professors, graduate students, students, as well as representatives of enterprises and companies involved in the commercialization in the field of radiation technologies, the production of special radiation and dosimetric equipment, to take part in the work of the Congress.

The program of plenary sessions and the grid of online sessions are available on the website of the Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences for Radiobiology: 

The plenary session will be held in person on October 12 in the conference hall of the A.I. Burnazyan FMBA of Russia (Picturesque street, 46). See the broadcast of the meeting at the link: 

Section meetings will be held in on-line format. The programs of on-line meetings are published on the website of the Scientific Council for Radiobiology of the Russian Academy of Sciences: