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Тип события: Partner organization conferences
Тип события (для фильтра): Конференции организаций-партнеров

Partner organization conferences

10-25-2021 Online

The event is held annually by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), the German Research Community (DFG) under the auspices of the German Science and Innovation House (DWIH). In 2021, the National Research Technological University MISiS became a partner of the event.
This year, Young Scientist Week will be held as part of the Russian-German Roadmap for Cooperation in Education, Science, Research and Innovation, and will also become part of the Year of Germany in Russia program and will be dedicated to the topic “Internationalization of science during a pandemic” .

In the panel discussion “Challenges for Science and Prospects for Joint Research between Russia and Germany”, leading experts from both countries will discuss the impact of the pandemic on the research partnership. The second section will present examples of cooperation between Russian-German projects with the participation of young scientists. The event will be held in English without translation.

To participate register by link22 of October registered participants will receive link to connect to the specifiedat registration mail.

Detailed information about the event and press release can be found here

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