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Тип события: Laboratory STC
Тип события (для фильтра): Лабораторные НТС

Laboratory STC

02-20-2023 11:00 Conference hall, bldg. 119

Scientific and Technical Council Meeting of FLNP Spectrometers’ Complex Department, February 20, 2022 (Monday) at 10:00, Conference hall, bldg. 119

Meeting agenda:

Discussion of works submitted for the 2023 FLNP Competition
in the section «Applied and Scientific-methodical research»
1. Enhanced directional extraction of very cold neutrons using a diamond nanoparticle powder reflector
E. Lychagin, A. Muzychka, G. Nekhaev, A. Nezvanov, A. Strelkov, K. Zhernenkov
2. Development and creation of the neutron radiography and tomography facility at the WWR-SM research reactor (Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan).
B. Abdurakhimov, S. Kichanov, E. Lukin, D. Kozlenko, I. Zel