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"Sectors for the production of Micromegas detectors at the DLNP named after V.P. Dzhelepov JINR" A. Gongadze

Тип события: Institute Seminar
Тип события (для фильтра): Общеинститутские семинары

Institute Seminar

04-13-2021 10:00 Online

At present, two sites for the production of Micromegas detectors have been created at the Dzhelepov DLNP JINR. The first site was intended for the production and testing of Micromegas chambers for the New Small Wheels Muon Spectrometer ATLAS experiment. For four years, 70 double-sided reading panels, each with an area of 3 m2, were manufactured and tested at this site, from which 33 Micromegas cameras (quadruplets) were then assembled. By mid-April, all quadruplets will be transported to CERN and the team will take part in the assembly and testing of detectors at CERN. In addition, the second site of the complete production cycle of Micromegas 60 cm cameras was created according to the R&D of Micromegas detectors.

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