of Neutron Physics

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"Proposals for the organization of a small-angle neutron scattering instrument at the NEPTUN pulsed reactor" V.V. Skoi

Тип события: Meeting of the Working Group on developing the concept of the instrument base for the new neutron source at FLNP JINR
Тип события (для фильтра): Лабораторные семинары

Meeting of the Working Group on developing the concept of the instrument base for the new neutron source at FLNP JINR

11-15-2022 11:00 FLNP Conference Hall (3rd floor)

In recent years, the small-angle neutron scattering technique has not only not lost its relevance, but is also becoming increasingly popular, including for solving biological problems, studying polymers, magnetic materials and other nanoscale objects. The report provides an overview of the main characteristics of the available and projected small-angle scattering spectrometers on steady-state reactors and pulsed neutron sources. The proposals for the organization of a new small-angle neutron scattering instrument at the NEPTUN pulsed reactor with design parameters are presented, including the instrument geometry, detector system, moderator operation mode, sample environment systems.