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"Peculiarities of working with DeLiDAQ-2 DAQ controllers and CAEN N6730 digitizer in Sonix+" (Murashkevich S.M.), "Reorganization of the script interpretation module and libraries of spectrometer operations in Sonix+" (Kirilov A.S.)

Тип события: SEDSC Seminar
Тип события (для фильтра): Лабораторные семинары

SEDSC Seminar

12-17-2021 11:00 Online

"Peculiarities of working with DeLiDAQ-2 DAQ controllers and CAEN N6730 digitizer in Sonix+"
Kirilov A.S., Murashkevich S.M.

Prior to the use of DeLiDAQ-2 and the N6730 digitizer, the main form of output data from DAQ controllers on the spectrometers of the IBR-2 reactor was histograms, which, in particular, was used in the Sonix+ software package for operational visualization. Since hardware histogramming is absent in the new controllers (or is performed with errors, as in DeLiDAQ-2), this part of the work was assigned to the programs. The paper discusses the features of data histogramming for these controllers, and also presents the results of tests performed on the Grains spectrometer in the October 2021 cycle.

"Reorganization of the script interpretation module and libraries of spectrometer operations in Sonix+"
Kirilov A.S., Truntova L.A.

The complication of the experiment script due to the execution of time-consuming operations (data histogramming, summation of iterative spectra, etc.) led to the need to introduce parallelization into the script. This, in turn, significantly complicated the libraries of operations of spectrometers, reduced their reliability, and made it difficult to change and debug. The paper discusses the improvement of the principles of library organization and the modification of the script interpreter module.
The considered version of the Sonix+ complex was tested in the October 2021 cycle on the HEPA spectrometer. Before the next start-up of the IBR-2 reactor, it is planned to prepare similar versions for all other spectrometers.

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