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"Neutron spin-filter with spin-exchange interaction of 3He nuclei and the atoms of a saturated ferromagnetic" V.R. Skoy

Тип события: JUBILEE SEMINAR dedicated to the 60th anniversary of V.R. Skoy
Тип события (для фильтра): Лабораторные семинары

JUBILEE SEMINAR dedicated to the 60th anniversary of V.R. Skoy

04-21-2023 11:00 FLNP Conference Hall

JUBILEE SEMINAR dedicated to the 60th anniversary of V.R. Skoy, April 21, 2023 (Friday), 11:00, FLNP Conference Hall

The model of a spin - exchange interaction between the nuclear magnetic moment of 3Не and the magnetic moments of electrons in a ferromagnetic is proposed. If a ferromagnetic is saturated an interaction leads to a gradual rising of 3Не  nuclear polarization inside a volume surrounded by this ferromagnetic. The conditions for a practical implementation of a neutron spin filter with the polarized 3Не nuclei are considered, as well as the variants of its design.