of Neutron Physics

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"Nanosystems and soft condensed matter" T.V. Tropin

Тип события: Meeting of the working group on the scientific program of the new neutron source of the FLNP

Meeting of the working group on the scientific program of the new neutron source of the FLNP

10-04-2022 10:00 FLNP Conference Hall (3rd floor)

The report discusses topical areas of research in the field of nanosystems and soft condensed matter within the framework of developing a scientific program for a new neutron source of FLNP JINR "NEPTUNE". On the example of some experiments and problems solved with the help of neutron scattering and complementary methods, the prospects of these directions for the next 20 years are considered. Based on these examples, for a number of neutron methods, proposals were made on the available experimental parameters at the NEPTUNE reactor.