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Methods and software for reducing the number of errors in the code based on the reduction of programmer involvement Elizaveta Alexandrovna Dorenskaya (A. I. Alikhanov ITEP, NRC Kurchatov Institute)

Тип события: LIT Seminar
Тип события (для фильтра): Общеинститутские семинары

LIT Seminar

04-16-2021 11:00 LIT conference hall and online

(Based on PhD thesis)

In Russia and many other countries, projects are being implemented and implemented to create and develop the digital economy. But any program can make mistakes. In this paper, three new methods for reducing the number of software errors will be considered.

At the moment, almost all programming languages are algorithmic, i.e. serve to describe the algorithm. A non-algorithmic problem description language, Problem Description Language (PDL), will be introduced. Descriptions of problems are created in this language, and then the translator converts them into text in a high-level algorithmic language. The use of PDL reduces the participation of the programmer in writing programs. A new method for determining the context of words and documents will be discussed. This method can be applied to computer analysis of program descriptions and other natural language texts. A bank of algorithm descriptions specially created for the PDL -> Perl translator is proposed. It is a database of program modules that can be used by both humans and computers. The PDL language was tested using the PDL -> Perl translator.

Information about the seminar and a link to join are available at Indico: