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"Measurements of the radiation background in the ATLAS detector shaft in 2017 - 2018 using the ATLAS-GaAsPix semiconductor pixel detector system" E.A. Cherepanova

Тип события: Institute seminar on the results of the work of JINR staff in the ATLAS experiment at the LHC
Тип события (для фильтра): Общеинститутские семинары

Institute seminar on the results of the work of JINR staff in the ATLAS experiment at the LHC

05-28-2021 11:00 Online

A system of ten semiconductor pixel detectors with a GaAs:Cr sensor and a Timepix chip was installed in the ATLAS detector shaft at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN during technical breaks in 2015-2016 and 2016-2017. It became part of the joint Medipix2 and ATLAS collaboration project, the task of which is to complement the existing system for measuring and determining the composition of the radiation background in the ATLAS detector shaft - the ATLAS-TPX pixel detector system with silicon as the sensor material. ATLAS-GaAsPix detectors collected data in 2017-2018. The data were recorded both during the collision of proton beams (13 TeV) - during physical wounds of the LHC, and after the termination of beam collisions. The detectors recorded signals from the interactions of charged particles, neutrons, and photons with gallium arsenide if the energy release exceeded the established threshold of 6.5 keV in an individual pixel. This made it possible to register clusters (tracks) of individual particles interacting with the detector sensor. During the collision of the beams, the total radiation background contains particles that were born at the point of collision of the beams and flew out of the ATLAS facility. In the absence of collisions, the main component of the background was photons and electrons, resulting from the activation of GaAs and other materials surrounding the detectors, mainly by neutrons during previous collisions. The ATLAS-GaAsPix system measured the total level of the background particle flux at various points in the hall, the ratio of contributions to this flux from charged and neutral particles, as well as the distribution of the neutron flux in the hall by measuring the level of induced activity in the sensors of gallium arsenide detectors.

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