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"Investigation of rare fission modes using pixel silicon detectors of the Timepix type" Akhmedov G. S. 1, Golik M., Kopach Yu. N., Berikov D. et al.

Тип события: DNP Seminar
Тип события (для фильтра): Лабораторные семинары

DNP Seminar

01-27-2021 11:00 Online

Rare fission modes (triple and quadruple fission), in which light charged particles are emitted, are the subject of intensive experimental and theoretical research, since these studies can be attributed to one of the main sources of information about the mechanism of nuclear fission. To study these processes, an experimental setup was assembled (see Fig.), consisting of three ∆E-E semiconductor telescopes and a silicon detector. Thin detectors with an area of 10×10 mm2 and a thickness of 15 and 140 µm were used to measure ∆E, and Timepix pixel silicon detectors with an area of 14×14 mm2 and a thickness of 300 and 600 µm were used for E measurements. A special synchronization bus was developed and integrated into the FITPix device COMBO. It can be used as a Timepix reader (including receiving pulses from the reverse side) or as a simple Spectrig (when an external detector such as a ∆E detector is connected). The clock bus has also been designed to manage the trigger and busy signals to provide efficient filtering of unpaired events when performing coincidence measurements. Test measurements were made using a 226Ra alpha particle source and 252Cf spontaneous fission, and the results of these measurements are presented.

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