of Neutron Physics

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FLNP STC 01.03.2022

Тип события: Laboratory STC
Тип события (для фильтра): Лабораторные НТС

Laboratory STC

03-01-2022 15:00 Online

Meeting agenda:
1. Approval of the results of the competition of scientific and methodological papers of the FLNP.
2. Consideration of the conclusion for the dissertation submitted for the degree of candidate of physical and mathematical sciences in the specialty 01.04.02 - "Theoretical Physics".
Thesis topic: "Numerical studies of non-stationary quantum phenomena in neutron optics". Speaker: M.A. Zakharov.
3. Elections for positions:
3.1. Junior Researcher, FLNP. Candidate for the position: V.S. Smirnova.
4. Applications for the participation of FLNP employees in the selection for participation in the subprogram "Social Mortgage" of the state program of the Moscow Region "Housing": V.S. Smirnova, M.O. Petrova, I.Yu. Zel.

You can connect to the NTS by clicking on the link
Meeting number: 2398 601 9446
Password: 8xnBTgjDc24