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First meeting of the IBR-2 Users' Committee

Тип события (для фильтра): Лабораторные семинары

02-25-2021 10:00 Online

The first meeting of the Committee of Users of the IBR-2 neutron source was held, organized by the Laboratory of Neutron Physics on February 24 in the format of a videoconference. The IBR-2 Neutron Source Users Committee was recently founded to increase user activity, including interaction with the Laboratory of Neutron Physics, support in case of general or specific questions, as well as to provide discussion forums for discussing user interests. The IBR-2 Reactor Users Committee proposed new strategic ideas and methods to the Directorate of the Laboratory to improve the quality and efficiency of organizational issues in the work of users.

Delegations from Poland, Bulgaria, Hungary, Armenia and Spain took part in the meeting of the Users' Committee and the FLNP Directorate. On the agenda were presentations by members of the Users' Committee and management, a discussion on the next steps in the development of the reactor's tools and infrastructure, ways to improve user satisfaction, and the overall success of neutron science at the IBR-2 reactor. During the meeting, issues related to the organization of neutron scattering experiments, as well as plans and ideas for the future were discussed in detail. From now on, meetings of the Users' Committee will be held on a regular basis.


Members of the IBR-2 Users Committee

Almasy Laszlo (Centre for Energy Research, Budapest, Hungary).

Ewa Juszyńska-Gałązka (Institute of Nuclear Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Krakow, Poland).

Georgiev Peter (Sofia University, Sofia, Bulgaria).

Wojciech Zając (Institute of Nuclear Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Krakow, Poland & Representative of the Polish Society for Neutron Scattering).

José María Porro Azpiazu (BCMaterials & IKERBASQUE. Bilbao, Spain).

Vachagan Harutyunyan (A. Alikhanyan National Scientific Laboratory, Yerevan, Armenia).

Viktor Petrenko (BCMaterials & IKERBASQUE. Bilbao, Spain).

FLNP Directorate

Shvetsov Valery Nikolaevich (director).

Vinogradov Alexander Vitalievich (chief engineer).

Lychagin Egor Valerievich (deputy director).

Khudoba Dorota (Academic Secretary & Head of User Policy).

Norbert Kucherka (deputy director).

Kozlenko Denis Petrovich (head of NEONIKS department).

Kulikov Otilia (deputy director).

Bodnarchuk Victor Ivanovich (Head of NEOKS Department).

Lensky Igor Feliksovich (assistant director).