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On January 27, Sergey Petrovich Yaradaikin, Lead Engineer of NEONIKS FLNP, died after a serious illness.

Yaradaikin Sergey Petrovich 


On January 27, after a serious illness, the leading engineer of the Scientific and Experimental Department of Neutron Research of Condensed Matter of the Laboratory of Neutron Physics Yaradaikin Sergey Petrovich died.

Yaradaikin S.P. was born on October 10, 1956 in the city of Chortkiv, Ternopil region, Ukrainian SSR.

After graduating from the Faculty of Physics of Moscow State University, Yaradaikin S.P. In 1982, he began his career at the Laboratory of Neutron Physics of JINR in the LIU-30 sector, first as an engineer, and then as the head of the LIU-30 facility, proving himself to be a highly qualified specialist in the field of accelerator physics.

In 1990 Yaradaikin S.P. moved to the position of a leading engineer in the Department of Neutron Research of Condensed Matter in the Small Angle Scattering Group, where he, in collaboration with colleagues from other international scientific centers, completed and published a number of outstanding scientific papers on the structure of lipid membranes. Since 1993, he worked in the reflectometry group, where he was engaged in mathematical support of ongoing experiments. One of the significant works of S.P. Yaradaikin was the implementation of a new approach to processing the data of a reflectometric experiment - a work awarded with a diploma of the FLNP scientific papers competition. His contribution to the development of the REFLEX reflectometer at the IBR-2 reactor, which is actively used today in studies of new neutron-optical methods, is invaluable.

Until the last years of work in the laboratory, Sergei Petrovich was an example of diligence and professionalism. He is the co-author of over 30 published papers. For successful fruitful work, he was awarded the distinction in labor "Veteran of Nuclear Energy and Industry".

Everyone knew him as a sympathetic, benevolent person who knew how to endure difficulties with humor. The death of Sergei Petrovich is an irreplaceable loss for the Laboratory and all who knew him. We mourn and express our deepest condolences to the family and loved ones. The bright memory of him will forever remain in our hearts.

FLNP Directorate,

Team of the Department of Neutron Research of Condensed Matter