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LIST of conferences / trainings / summer schools / seminars within the framework of the CREMLINplus fellowship program

Dear Colleagues!

We bring to your attention the updated LIST of conferences/trainings/summer schools/seminars in March as part of the CREMLINplus fellowship program (from 04/02/2021).

The LIST is available on the website of the National Contact Point "Research Infrastructures":,


and also on the website of the CREMLINplus project:

In connection with the LIST discussions within the Exchange technical/non-technical interactions panel discussion at the annual meeting of the CREMLINplus project, we would like to share with you comments on this

  1. The first LIST, formed in April 2020, included activities related to the management of scientific infrastructures in 5 thematic domains (according to the ESFRI classification) + general trainings (including activities in the field of digital infrastructures). Already in April, many events were canceled or postponed for longer periods, online formats began to be used more actively.
  2. A report prepared by NUST MISIS on Deliverable 9.1 “First list of available thematic and horizontal courses and workshops in European and Russian RIs” in July 2020 noted the need to temporarily focus on online events within the scholarship program, as then it became clear that the pandemic was not going to go away.
    The report also noted that the online form allows more representatives of Russian infrastructures to participate in the events.
  3. In September 2020, NUST MISIS prepared the competition procedure for the CREMLINplus FP scholarship program, in particular, agreed on the rules for reimbursement of expenses for the participation of representatives of Russian infrastructures in events from the list in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
  4. Since September 2020, the list has been updated monthly. The list takes into account the results of the survey conducted within the framework of work package 9, as well as monitoring of dozens of sites of European infrastructures, scientific associations and alliances, etc. The list has been significantly expanded, taking into account current free online events in various thematic areas that are equally interesting for both staff and infrastructure users.
  5. As soon as the CREMLIplus FP competitions are announced, we plan to maintain two lists:
  • with paid events (online and offline) requiring reimbursement of participation costs,
  • with free online events to further inform our scientific community.

We have already highlighted a separate heading "Neutron scattering" in the list
(question: "Is this rubric necessary?")

We would be grateful for your comments and suggestions on the LIST.